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Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guide (Set of 10)


Help business builders discover, develop and direct their unique builder talents.

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Benefits of the Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guide (Set of 10)

The conversations in these guides will help you:

  • promote builders’ talent development
  • increase builders’ self-awareness
  • develop builders’ vital relationships
  • tailor your coaching to individual builders

Product Details

The world needs more builders.

Business builders possess rare talents. As their coach, you need to help them discover, develop and direct those talents toward their goals and aspirations.

When you have the right conversations, you can coach builders to excellence.

Conversations That Can Change the World

The first step is for builders to take the Builder Profile 10 assessment so they can discover their unique builder profile. Once you know their dominant builder talents, you can start to inspire them to succeed.

Each guide in this set includes three coaching conversations that focus on vital stages of business building:

  • discovering, developing and directing builder talents
  • building relationships
  • taking action

Coaching Conversation #1: Start with Talent and Discover Your Builder Talents: Establish a relationship with business builders and help them explore their builder talents.

Coaching Conversation #2: Develop Your Builder Talents and Direct Your Builder Talents: Discuss how to specifically develop their talents, clarify their vision and identify their goals.

Coaching Conversation #3: Build Effective Relationships and Take Action: Identify the relationships that will provide support, encouragement and subject-matter expertise -- and discuss action plans to achieve their goals.

Help change the world when you guide business builders on their journey with Gallup’s Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guides.

What's Included

Each Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guide in this set of 10 includes:

  • three structured coaching conversations with questions to spark discussion and learning
  • space to write questions you want to ask during coaching conversations
  • space to record business builders’ answers to the questions
  • areas to synthesize each conversation

Frequently Asked Questions

Do the people I coach need to have taken the BP10 assessment to use this guide?

Yes. The people you coach will need to complete the Builder Profile 10 (BP10) assessment to benefit from the conversations and activities in this guide. The Builder Profile 10 assessment must be purchased separately.

Are the Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guides available in a digital format?

No. While the Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guides are not currently available in a digital format, we hope to release a digital format in the future.

What is the difference between the Builder Profile 10 and CliftonStrengths assessments?

The CliftonStrengths assessment reveals the talent themes that guide your behavior throughout your life without being specific to a particular career, role or job. The Builder Profile 10 assessment reveals your dominant builder talents. Your builder talents enable you to meet the demands of the builder role and have strong, statistically significant linkages to specific outcomes. Gallup designed both of these assessments for personal development and growth by helping individuals focus on areas of strength in their life.

Will the Builder Profile 10 assessment tell me if I should be an entrepreneur?

No. Gallup created the Builder Profile 10 assessment to reveal your builder talents and to offer a common language for conversations about how to best use and develop those talents. BP10 does not determine whether you should or should not be a builder, nor does it offer suggestions on whether or not to start a business. Knowing your unique builder talent profile gives you a clear picture of your areas of builder talent. You can use this information and the various builder resources to focus on the areas of talent that rank the highest for you. You can also begin to create relationships and seek learning opportunities to address areas of lesser talent.


Other formats available
Delivery method
Approximate page count
Each guide has 20 pages
Languages available
English (U.S.)
Each guide is 8.5 x 11 inches
Product weight
1.8 lbs.
Coaching Builder Talents Coaching Conversations Guide (Set of 10)